We asked the group many questions that allowed us to know how they feel and to what extent we were responding to their expectations, both in relation to the learning and contents of the program and more personal questions about feeling confident enough to participate and propose activities.
Below we share the results of the evaluation forms, written on the last day. It shows a real picture of the activity outcomes resulting from the contributions of a group assembled by the NGO’s top leaders, program managers, tutors, volunteer’s supervisors, and volunteers.
When asked about their perception of the achievement of objectives, the average result, from 0 to 10, is over 8 (8,08), with values ranging from 7.05 to 8.83, which means meeting the first quality and sustainability standard of the FCV, which is to achieve results between 7 and 9.
Being the general objectives and the average results the following:
To mainstream the concept of ‘Volunteering for peace’, incorporating peace culture and peace education in the ESC and volunteering activities – 7,76.
-To improve the support given to young volunteers and ESC participants so they can develop peace-related skills and act as peacebuilders – 8,33.
-To encourage a real exchange of ideas and perspectives regarding peace in connection with youth participation in volunteering activities – 8,83.
Being the specific objectives and the average results the following:
-To foster cooperation and networking to develop new ESC projects – 8,2.
-To learn about conflict management and non-violent communication as part of ESC projects – 7.05.
-To share tools to identify, develop, and recognize key peace skills and attitudes of volunteers – 7.55.
-To find out how to work together towards more peaceful societies using the ESC program – 8,83.
We also focused on specific skills in which the participants facilitated workshops: favoring active listening, non-violent communication, giving and receiving feedback and conflict management, complex and critical skills that were also the subject of the final evaluation. When asked if the activity improved these skills results were also positive, with values ranging from 8.1 to 8.82 and an average score of over 8 (8.3).
The feedback about the hotel as a place for activities, accommodation, and meals received an average score of excellent, over 9! (9.07).
There are enthusiastic comments motivating us to continue carrying out similar actions for NGO leaders and youth workers.
On the other hand, an external evaluation carried out by the Spanish NA, which visited us to interview part of the group, rated the activity as a ‘good practice’ (highest possible rating), stating that ‘’After speaking with the group, we can say that there is a very positive atmosphere, a lot of motivation to make the most of the week and generate a network that can be transformed, in the future, into a generator of peace projects. The participants are very grateful to the organization for the opportunity it gives them, also, to be able to talk about the situation in their countries and to be able to express themselves with sincerity.” That report also states that “the program is very well organized and the FCV’s experience is evident.”
We take advantage of these good results to thank the team members: Denise de Stena, facilitator, and Aleksandra Grzybowska, support person.
We also want to thank the whole group of participants, including the FCV, represented by Josep Maria Alonso, president, and Zaklina Gapinska, overseeing ESC.
Many thanks to the Spanish national agency and the Erasmus + program of the European Commission for the support received as well.
For more information about this activity, please send an email to projectes@catalunyavoluntaria.cat
Lluc Martí