Wednesday, October 16, the Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria is organizing a very special and small-scale meeting at Casa del Mar (C/Albareda 1-13, Aula 4, 1st floor): the INFO-SESSION “BORN IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: WHERE CAN I VOLUNTEER?” with the participation of leaders of non-profit and non-governmental youth organisations from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Lebanon, who are hosting young people living in Europe for short and long-term volunteering activities in projects carried out with the support of the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Commission and who, taking advantage of the fact that they are spending a week in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), participating in an international activity to build new partnerships ‘ESC – Volunteering for Peace’ want to encourage young people living in the metropolitan area of Barcelona to do a ESC project in their respective organisations and take this opportunity to inform about the situation at the respective populations and countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean in this critical moment.
We will also have ESC project managers from various European countries, participating in the same activity, who will explain to us what to do to participate in this program, where to start, what are the requirements and steps to take.
The session takes place in English, with interpretation if required.
To participate, you only need to register at this link (it takes one minute). We encourage you to complete the form as soon as possible due to limited places due to space.
For more information about the event and participating entities, you can send an email to