Antygone Today

Antygone Today

The project Antygone Today, was a training and youth exchange for reflecting on our own feelings and emotions using theatre, performance tools, debate and nonverbal communication, among others. Antygone play, is a Sofocles’ performance from Greece classic dramaturgy....
Run for Life

Run for Life

Hello! We are five young people, four from Catalonia and one from the Valencian Community, who had the opportunity to enjoy a youth exchange program of the Erasmus+ program “Run for Life” in Amarante, Portugal. The experience was wonderful, the project was...
The end of a new beginning

The end of a new beginning

I don’t know if I already realised but yes, the project is over for me!  When I look back at the last two months, many beautiful moments cross my mind. And I can only feel grateful that I had the opportunity to live this experience. During these two months...