It is difficult to describe in a single word this past year 2020. In fact, it has been a strange year where emotions, feelings and fears have occupied each and every day. At this point I think that we all agree on something; 2020 has not been an easy year. Surely, for many people it has not only been a complicated year, but an unexpected  challenge, to overcome in many aspects (professional, personal, emotional, etc.).

Covid19 suddenly broke into our lives even though we were seeing it coming. Particularly some sectors have been more affected than others; inevitably international mobility has been one of them. The day-to-day at Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria changed completely, starting with the hasty withdrawal from Casa del Mar and continuing with the online work as a priority, when before we constantly shared time and space with team colleagues.

During this year many programs have been canceled, many collaborations with European “partners” have been postponed and many participants have withdraw from projects due to the difficulties of carrying out mobilities. Many entities in the youth field have gone through a period of uncertainty where support and exchange of concerns have been key  to deal with the lack of good forecasts regarding international mobility during the pandemia.

Although the situation is far from being what we would like, we have slowly get used to it and we have adapted our work to the current situation.

That is why we can proudly say that despite difficulties, we have succeeded in making the TLN Mobilicat program a reality.

The TLN Mobilicat program is an amazing opportunity for young people with little experience who want to train professionally in a foreign country. In this project we distinguish three stages; preparation, development of internships abroad and evaluation / follow-up upon return, to look for work in the territory. As can be deduced, TLN involves a lot of work since it is an ambitious program with a powerful structure for participants to take advantage of each of the tools and strengthen thelselves professionally to increase their options in the labor market.

From FCV we want to share our happiness for the achievement and we hope that all participants will take advantage of this opportunity to learn, train and enjoy new cultures and meet people from different origins.