The FCV has gained the support of the European Commission to implement the Contact Making Seminar  for activists and change makers who represent organisations dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights and wellbeing. We decided to bring up this seminar to exchange experiences and strengthen the international chain of people oriented to make the world a better place for sexual minorities.

In Europe there are still huge differences between the countries in the social and legal conditions of life of people who belong to sexual minorities. Life conditions of  LGBTQ+ people strongly differ depending on their demographic variables. The safety of expression, legal recognition, gender transition availability, mainstream social attitudes differ in each of the countries, making them also more or less optimal to live in for LGBTQ+ people. 

Regardless of the current situation of each of the countries, Europe is moving forward in the topic of sexual minorities’ well-being. Behind this change are people who dedicate their work, knowledge and ideas to support their society in its progress. 

As FCV, we believe that exchanging experiences, developing new ideas and creating international level change is a crucial part of boosting the efficiency of LGBTQ+ well-being oriented actions and projects. 

For this reason, in May 2023 we are flattered to host in Vilanova i la Geltrù 24 activists and youth workers who will represent 13 different organisations from 9 different countries: Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, The Republic of North Macedonia, Slovakia,  Slovenia and Spain.

The professionals who will meet in Vilanova i la Geltrù will spend 6 days of activities dedicated to build the connections, share past experiences and comment on their new ideas, as well as inspire one another and develop new collaborations. 

We believe that working together is the way to use the maximum of one’s potential and to progress in building an inclusive and safe society, based on experience, good practices and creativity exchanged between one another.

For these reasons we are more than happy to announce that from 19 to 25 of May the international Contact Making Seminar ‘Queer Up!’  will be organised and hosted by FCV. In the near future we will introduce more details about this seminar, including its objectives and the progress of preparations. 

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If you would like to share your comments or have any questions about Queer Up! or other FCV projects or opportunities feel free to contact us sending email to