Cities of Welcome… let’s get started!

Last week, 11th and 12th of May, we had the first transnational meeting with the partners of the KA2 Cities of Welcome. 

The meeting took place in Cologne (Germany), hosted by Migrafrica, the project coordinator, with the three other partners: DYPALL (Portugal), United Youth (North Macedonia) and Fundació Catalunya Voluntària. 

We are very happy to start this project that aims to improve the conditions, overall integration and participant of young migrants and youngsters of migrant background in their local communities by sharing good practices and examples of integration and collectively trying to find better solutions together with and for this target group.

The project will be implemented for two years, and we will be working together with different municipalities. We already started dialogue and collaboration with the Municipality of Santa Margarida de Montbui, a small town in Catalonia. One of their representatives, Sandra, joined the KOM in order to be involved from the beginning in the project. 

For the end of the project, the objective is to have a series of good practices from the different municipalities, and guidelines in order to have participatory processes more inclusive to young people with migrant backgrounds. 

Stay tuned for the next steps!