From the 3th to the 10th of November, Fundació Catalunya Voluntària (FCV), will host the international seminar ‘Volunteering for Change’.
26 representatives of 14 non-profit and voluntary based organizations, which FCV collaborates with and with a long trajectory in developing international volunteering, will meet in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona). They have in common to share non formal education methodology and perceive volunteering as an opportunity for social change.
The seminar has to be a space to reflect, discover and share information and knowledge about which are the tools and working methods that the same organizations use to help young people act as agents of change through volunteering.
Through small working groups and dynamics, youth workers, coordinators, trainers and project managers who work in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Italy, Catalonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary and Greece will have the opportunity of improving their knowledge about managing change and its complexity, the use of indicators and methodology focused on reaching social, organizational and educative outcomes. In the seminar there will be spaces to analyze topics that are a priority for the entities, like the improvement of the support given to young people in risk of social exclusion or with fewer opportunities, or the recognition and certification of key competences for the continuous learning process.
This activity will be organized with the support of the programme Erasmus+ of the European Comission.
For more information about the activity:
Info Kit Seminar Volunteering for Change and Program Seminar Volunteering for Change
or you can send an email to or call to 934124493.