Lluc Martí, the coordinator of FCV’s program “Voices for Peace” participated in the 3rd UNOY – United Network of Young Peacebuilders International Forum, celebrated in the Hague, Holland, from the 20th to the 24th of September.

The meeting was mostly dedicated to make know UNOY’s impact in the development of global public policies as well as the 2250 Resolution that, on the 9th of December 2015, was unanimously approved by the UN Security Council. It is the first UN resolution regarding youth, peace and security and foro-unoy-2that involves an historical recognition of the role young people have in the construction of peace worldwide. Said resolution, which all of the member states of the United Nations are obliged to follow, is the result of years’ worth of work carried out by various organizations of the civil society, persons and institutions committed both in the active participation of young people and the active promotion of peace and human rights from a global perspective.

Putting into practice this resolution will serve to make possible and strengthen the institutional support to the different forms of young people’s participation in public spaces and in the mechanisms, processes, organizations and institutions that defend and represent their interests. At the same time, the resolution has to presume a greater institutional support to the various organizations, networks and structures that make it possible for young people to actively participate in the variety of debate, reflection, enquiry and decision making processes. foro-unoy-3And, depending on each context, it has to favor the creation of new organizations and youth led initiatives.

In addition to inform about the process and contents of the resolution, debate regarding the obstacles in its application and regarding the opportunities that this generates, during the forum there was also the time to meet other young peace builders and the difficult context in which they work, and to exchange ideas and proposals to create to new associations.

40 young people, peace builders and NGO representatives from 20 countries and 5 continents took part in the Forum, where they presented workshops on subjects such as the prevention of radicalization, media literacy or about one of the armed conflict existing today in Europe (in the Nagorno-Karabakh). In one of the workshops, Imre Veeneman, from UNOY and Lluc presented the digital tool “The Learning Curve – A guide for evaluation for youth organizations”, doing an exercise that aimed at better understanding the tools of evaluation and impact measurement. foro-unoy-4With the participation of NGO representatives coming from Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Nepal, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain and Kosovo (a country that is recognized by 22 out of 28 countries members of the European Union but not by Spain, which makes it difficult for young people and organizations to move).

At the same time, the group could get to know firsthand the work done by a Dutch organization in order to prevent the radicalization and the exclusion and discrimination suffered by many young Dutch people because of their immigrant origins. Those young people shared the their discomfort and the fact that each day they feel badly represented by a political and communication narrative based on hate, fear and the creation of the internal enemy.

*Photo credits: UNOY