10363363_10153362129656512_3560538039633612160_nUnited Network of Young Peacebuilders – UNOY, in partnership with European Youth Foundation, hosted from 7-14th March in The Hague, The Netherlands, a training course for building capacities of young peacebuilders willing to get engaged in advocacy and advocate for the cause of Youth, Peace and Security at European level.

As a participant of the training course I felt the balanced distribution of project activities for a comprehensive learning and skills development. The first part of the project was designed to research about the European institutions, such as the European Union and Council of Europe, which would be the two targets to advocate for the recognition of the positive role of young people in peacebuilding.

The second part was an introduction to the two UNSC Resolutions on “Women, Peace and Security” and “Youth, Peace and Security”.  Afterwards, a deep discourse was held around the UNSC Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security which is the document to be advocated for its implementation in the European context.

12821538_10154019795398792_4359322791682361267_nThe third part was significant in passing on skills and knowledge in advocacy strategy planning, stakeholder analysis and mapping. Policy research coupled with the meetings with the Member of Dutch Parliament, Human Rights Ambassador to the Dutch MFA, representative of World Vision Brussels as well as a study visit to the Peace Palace and International Criminal Court.

At the end of the intensive week of learning and sharing, a follow-up plan was designed to uplift the efforts towards further engagement in advocacy and creation of European Youth Advocate Team.

In terms of learning during the TC, I may identify the following aspects:

  • I gained more information about the UNSC 1325, 2250 Resolutions on Youth, Peace and Security;
  • I have developed a complex understating on the functions, roles in peacebuilding and security, structure of the two European intergovernmental institutions: European Union and Council of Europe;1240190_10154013266988792_1901230621140618672_n
  • I have enhanced intercultural, communication, public speaking and research skills;
  • I have learned techniques about advocacy, including: strategy planning, policy research, definition of messages, stakeholder analysis and mapping;
  • I have learnt from practices of advocacy done in different contexts and on different causes: examples from World Vision UK and World Vision Brussels;
  • I had a visit to the Peace Palace and learned about the history and role of the palace in International Relations;
  • I have a commitment to join the European Youth Advocacy Team of the UNOY.


Rebecca Hovhannisyan