The youth exchange project “Tolerance and Diversity in Common Europe” was financed by “Erasmus+” programme and took place on 20th May- 29th May 2017 in Rezekne, Latvia.
It was organized by European Association “World-Our Home“ which hosted 35 participants from 5 youth organizations: Associazione culturale Nieddì from Italy, Celjski Mladinski center from Slevenia, Fundació Catalunya Voluntària from Spain, Active Youth from Malta and main project organizers from Latvia European Association “World-Our Home”
Project aim was to raise youth awareness about such important issues of nowadays as diversity of people or nations and tolerance between them in common Europe. Project was based on non-formal education for young people about our multinational and multicultural society with different religions and traditions and about strengthening of tolerance and patience among different communities in our common European society.
The main idea of the project was to present these European values through discussions, presentations, theater workshops during the project and the final performance at the end of the project in the framework of Art and music festival “Seven Hills” in Rezekne, to unleash youth potentials to be creative and innovative. Theater workshops helped to develop youth identity, imagination, artistic skills and to understand each other and to be tolerant.
Young people spent 10 days in Rezekne, exploring and changing ideas about the themes of multiculturalism, diversity, tolerance, human rights and democracy, using the creative way to show them and promoting common international artistic youth initiatives.