On the 8th of May, in the room 2 at Casa del Mar, in Barcelona, Fundació Catalunya Voluntària organised and took part in a Training Session on the Resolution 2250/2015, the first UN resolution that deals with the role of young people in peace and security processes worldwide and that recognize the positive role of young people in the prevention and transformation of conflict situations.
The training was divided in 4 parts, and we started introducing ourselves and the participating organisations. We were 15 people from 10 different organisations like: Apip-acam, Astrea ONG, Azahara, Fundació Ficat, Fundació Indera, IEMED, Nicas en Barcelona, Setem Catalunya, Xarxa de Convivència, UNOY and of course, FCV. Besides, there was a student of the University Pompeu Fabra and a member of Catalan Parliament. As Lluc Martí, member of FCV and coordinator of the program Clam por la Pau, said “Un grup petit, però de qualitat” (a small but quality group).
After the introduction, we did a full immersion in the Resolution 2250/2015, with Romeral Ortiz, member of UNOY-United Network of Young Peacebuilders, who explained us why the movement #YOUTH4PEACE (a group of young volunteers and peacebuilders) created this resolution, who helped it to present the Resolution to the UN Security Council and the main aims of the Resolution 2250/2015.
The second part finished with a discussion and a mutual goal: to put into practice this resolution.
The training session continued with the presentation of the idea and some proposals about an action plan concerning the Resolution 2250/2015. To give a shape to the action plan, first we thought, talked and made a list of the needs of young people in the society, like participation, protection, prevention, alliances and reintegration, and then we divided ourselves in 4 groups to analyse and think what we can do and how we can collaborate to give voice to young people and make them play a main role in the society. Finally, we came up with the idea of a three-year plan for young people, that could be organised in a local, or in a regional and a national context, with three objectives: make aware of the Resolution 2250/2015; put it into practice with a lot of activities and realize lasting changes.
The intensive day was at the end, so we did an evaluation of the training with positive outcomes, that encourage us to spread more and more, the Resolution 2250/2015 to other NGO and public entities and make them part of our project.
That’s why we’d be more than happy to organise and attend other training session on this resolution, and if you want more information about it and join us, you can contact us at projectes.pau@catalunyavoluntaria.cat or 934124493.