Last week the Contact Making Seminar Queeramus+ took place in Oslo, from the 27-31st of May.
This seminar was the opportunity to meet organizations around Europe that are engage in Human Rights activism, specifically in the topic of LGBTI+ community. 30 participants with 17 different nationalities gathered to present themselves, their organizations, and ideas of projects they want to develop.
The group was very diverse, with difference in target groups, knowledge about Erasmus+ and experience in the field. Like this, we were able to share different perspectives, and start developing projects that we hope we will be able to share in the near future!
The seminar happened with the support of the Norwegian National Agency, who had Gry as the representative there for the whole seminar to answer any questions or doubts that the participants might have related to application, the programme, or selection criteria.
Last but not least, it’s important to highlight the work done by the three facilitators Tuba (Turkey), Bane (Serbia) and Ieva (Latvia), as well as LGBTi+ expert Jorge Maria from Sweden. Together with a very engaged group, the dynamics of the groups was very enthusiastic, efficient and hardworking, and a warm environment was created from day one.