The “Active Volunteering – Europe 2020 Strategy“ project is a 4-year project, which started in 2015 and ends by the end of 2018, with the aim of promoting and facilitating Active Voluntarism in Catalonia.
To make this possible, we plan to create an online resource called “Toolbox for Active Volunteering“, simple, accessible and easy to adapt by those voluntary organizations that want to improve their capabilities. The project has allowed us to compile, improve and develop the work methodology and educational strategy of the FCV.
It has also helped us identify and value a part of its methods, practices and techniques, and as a consequence, improve the ability of offering non-formal education opportunities for young people, creating itineraries for the development of social and professional competencies.
Over the past 3 years, we have been able to have more than 45 young people volunteer at the FCV. Also, technicians and supervisors use a small list of tools for the management of voluntary programs that are currently part of the educational strategy of the FCV, the contents of the Toolbox for Active Volunteering and the different
trainings FCV organizes at a local and international level. Therefore, we recommend you to stay tuned because the FCV plans to submit online resources very soon, so all the entities and people that have an interest in improving their capabilities can access it.
The project takes place with the support of the General Directorate for Civic and Community Action of the Generalitat de Catalunya.