From the 18th to the 26th of October 2014 in Vilanova i la Geltrú took place the seminar for the construction of the network “PeaceBag for EuroMed Youth“, which was attended by people representing organizations from Algeria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Holland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Catalonia. All these organizations are recognized for their work in the field of peace education with young people.
- Assess the work carried out by the network in the last few years and design an action plan for the next two years;
- Identify the kind of association, the values of the network and the expectations and commitments of the members as real partners, as well as their links to the already existing UNOY network;
- Incorporate peace education in the work with young people;
- Review the tool box “PeaceBag” and the educational platform provided through the webpage so as to better adjust to the necessities of the member organizations.