Famílies per Famílies – Families for Families

Pilot project of intergenerational volunteering

The current situation of crisis requires the promotion of some specific programs aimed at answering the needs of the families that suffer the most from its effects. On the other hand, families that are holding on can take part in regular campaigns of support and, at the same time, can support other families in a permanent way, through well-planned interventions, oriented at overcoming the problems encountered by the families in need.

The pilot project “Families for Families” is a supportive answer that was born in 2013. Its goal was to face the economic crisis and the social isolation, as well as giving people and families – with the support of the local government – the opportunity to create new social networks of support and community cohesion. The project promoted the personal growth of children, adolescents and adults who found themselves in a situation of social vulnerability. FCV was responsible for the organization of the project and it relied on the work carried out by families, schools and the local community.

FCV was in charge of the technical management of the project, while its coordination was carried out by ITER-BSO Serveis de Consultoria Benestar i Salut.

For further information and to know the story of the participants we encourage you to check the blog!


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