The city of Pesaro, in Italy, is already prepared to host the 10 participants of the TLNMobilicat – Internships in Europe program. This is the third group that participates with the Catalunya Voluntaria-FCV Foundation in this project, which is co-financed by the Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC) and the European Social Fund (ESF).
For this project, the FCV has taken the opportunity to visit the host entity in Pesaro: the Vicolocorto association. Lorena, as coordinator of the project, and I as the group’s mentor, we were in charge of moving to this city in the Italian region of Marche, first by plane and then by bus and train.
The day after the arrival, we met with Laura, president of the Vicolocorto association, Daniele, coordinator, and Virginia, who will be the mentor of the young people during their internship. During the meeting in their headquarter, several aspects of the program were discussed, such as the different types of internship positions they could work in, the accommodation in the city, as well as which cultural activities could be done in the surrounding area. Then they offered us a guided tour around Pesaro, taking advantage of the good weather, to discover the city where this three-month stay will take place.
This coastal city is characterized by its richness in musical cultural heritage. It offers a type of family tourism which is quiet, safe, and healthy, but at the same time a lot of activities and places to fins out, also accessible to cyclists who walk its beautiful streets. The gastronomy of the region is also a great reason why we are sure that our participants will enjoy the Pesaro experience a lot. On this occasion, we witnessed how the city is preparing itself for the peak season of its main activity: the tourism.
At the same time, the 10 participants are already preparing for their internship through an Italian language course and an intercultural session in order to make the most of this internship abroad, before traveling on the 11th of June.
We have no doubt that it will be a very rewarding experience for this group of participants!