This week I took part in a training course about Personal Branding. The course’s objective is to improve youth employment, in order to help young people across Europe to have access to a larger number of those resources needed to enter the labor market. The course revolved around the development of one’s Personal Brand, our way of presenting ourselves to the world. It was an intensive course in which we learned techniques and tools related to self-knowledge, coaching, human resources, etc. and that will be very useful in our lives and in our work with young people.

The course took place in the city of Cluj- Napoca in Transylvania (Romania), this year’s European Youth Capital. It is a city with a youthful atmosphere, full of university students. During the week we conducted activities, discussions, workshops, and we were visited by experts in various fields. It was a very interesting way to share experiences, each of us speaking about our different areas of work, in a relaxed atmosphere, based on non-formal education in which we also had the opportunity to create and perform our own workshop methods.

In my case, my colleague Ruben and I provided a workshop on Emotional Intelligence, which lasted around one hour. It was a unique opportunity to test our ability as “trainers”, by presenting and managing a workshop for young people. I feel really proud about our work, both in the preparation and in the workshop. I received very positive feedback from our colleagues who attended the workshop. But nevertheless we will continue practicing and improving!TCBranding Rumania (3)

On a personal level, it has been a busy week. Lots of emotions, thoughts, introspection, and openness. Connecting with newly made acquaintances. Meeting very similar souls who are searching for a way to know themselves. Discovering new paths, exchanging stories. Sharing, learning, and growing.

I met wonderful people. I enjoyed the madness of human emotions and connection with other people at the time. I have learned from all the people with whom I shared exercises, moments of rest, meals, trips with my fellow participants to the most absurdly beautiful places. Places where, if you let yourself, you get lost and don’t know how to come back. Back to reality.

I am writing this with a bittersweet feeling. Because it was so good. Because it was so short. I take with me, as a souvenir, memories of incredible people making the best of themselves and others. People who work to make the world a better place. I’m returning home wiser, stronger, more prepared to help move society, who are committed, who work for the future. I am very grateful for this experience and I am proud to have been part of this project.

Thanks to Fundació Catalunya Voluntària for this opportunity, a hug for you all!

Anna Tortolero