On October 11, at the Cultural Center in the Convent of San Agustí, neighborhood of La Ribera, a very special event took place: the presentation of the online platform which hosts the online course ‘Union of minorities. Educational tools for the European cultural mosaic’ addressed to educators, which can already be accessed for free online.
The course is addressed to professionals in the field of education, regulated or non-regulated, and all those who work in multicultural environments aiming to improve their intercultural learning skills, management of cultural diversity and, ultimately, take advantage and give value to this diversity to achieve more relevant learning results. Who does not work or study in a multicultural environment nowadays?
Representatives of the 3 Catalan entities promoting the project, entitled ‘MOOC- * Minority as an Opportunity and Occassion for Chrysalis in Europe’, participated in the event: the FICAT private Foundation, the Association of Educators and Social Educators of Catalonia-CEESC and the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària -FCV, in a session moderated by Noemi Morell, of METIDO, with the contribution of Miriam Solsona and Hernan Fernandez (CEESC, Lluc Martí (FCV) and Pere Solà (professor of the History of Education of the UAB) who prove the multidisciplinary vision of the proposal.
The CEESC presented one of the contents of the course, dedicated to the management of the conflict, its main elements and with information on how to use online tools and resources which the platform offers, such as videos, explanations and practical exercises.
Lluc, on the other hand, coordinator of the visit that took place in Barcelona in June 2017, shared his passion for the methodology of non-regulated training, for the values that this experiences give to those who participate, as well as for its practical aspect, focused on improving skills and, also, the transformation of the environment, encouraging participants to access and take advantage of resources to create new educational initiatives, as a better way for long-life learning.
The course, composed of 6 modules, deals with various topics such as self-evaluation and awareness of culture diversities, fights against discrimination and prejudice through information and techniques to favor inclusion, participation, creativity or steady evaluation in all educational work. The structure of the course is very, from techniques of conflict management and mediation, to learning of social education, education for peace or organizational management applied to the multiculturalism.
The course is the result of the enthusiasm of almost hundred youth workers, representatives of 15 entities from 7 countries, over nearly 2 years of partnership between non-profit and non-governmental entities, municipalities, universities and professional associations.
The event, a great success in terms of attendance, was attended by students of social education and public international law, collaborators of the promoters, students and people interested in knowing the resources.
The MOOC project, coordinated by the InformaGiovani association in Palermo, is supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and the Italian National Agency.
We encourage you to keep informed!