Hello, I’m Alice, from Estonia, and I’m now volunteer at the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària. It has been almost a month since I arrived in Barcelona. I must admit that coming from a country as small as Estonia and now moving to a big city like Barcelona was an intimidating thought, but very exciting at the same time too.

Like many other volunteers who are doing their volunteering projects, I also had thoughts like: Am I up to this challenge? Now, after these few weeks that I have been here, I am starting to get used to my new surroundings and every day I am discovering many new and interesting things. However, of course, I still have so many things to experience and learn in this city with so much culture, history and life. In addition, I have already started learning Catalan and I enjoy my classes very much. I hope that I will learn a lot during my course and that during my EVS in Barcelona I will have many opportunities to practice this language.

I feel that, although I have only been here for a very short time, I have already had the opportunity to learn so many things by being part of the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària team. I hope that during my time here I have the chance to contribute a lot to the work that is done in this Foundation while I am also constantly learning and developing new skills and knowledge.

So, to sum up, my first month here in Barcelona has gone by so fast, but it has also entailed a lot of new fun discoveries. For example, meeting new interesting people or discovering the most beautiful and historical places in this magnificent city.

I am very excited to find out what the rest of my time here will entail for me and I am looking forward to all my new adventures during my European volunteering!

Alice – European volunteer at FCV