15 organizations from 7 countries work together to create new online courses for professionals
The first international meeting of the European project of cooperation and exchange of good practices “Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis-MOOC” was held on 23 and 24 January in Palermo (Sicily). This 2-year project aims to create Massive Online Open Course dedicated to professionals working with young people (educators, teachers, trainers, etc.) to provide them with intercultural learning competences and offer them new theoretical and practical tools to manage and value cultural diversity, as a source for continuous improvement of their professional skills.
The project, led by the Italian organization InformaGiovanni, is promoted by 15 organizations from 7 European Union countries (Italy, Finland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Austria), including 2 Universities, 3 city councils, 1 professional college and 8 non-profit and non-governmental organizations from the countries mentioned above, 3 of which are Catalan: Col·legi d’Educadors i Educadores Socials de Catalunya, FICAT and the FCV.
MOOC project includes, among other activities, 7 visits to 7 cities in Europe, for a week, to learn about good practices in cultural diversity management carried out by the local authorities, civil society organizations, as well as educational bodies.
The third visit is foreseen to be hosted by the FCV in Barcelona, from 16 to 24 June 2017.
During this project, carried out with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and the Italian National Agency, it is planned to collect and select quality pedagogical tools developed by the same entities that participate in the project and others external to it, with the objective to be able to present the online course in May 2018.
If your organization has experience working in multicultural settings, if you are familiar with the intercultural learning methodology, if you have a good practice that you would like to share or if you use a pedagogical, management or strategic management tool The cultural diversity that you want to make known, do not hesitate to contact the FCV, sending an email to: projectes@catalunyavoluntaria.cat (Lluc)
Thank you!