We are pleased to announce that online tool The Learning Curve has been published. The guide was specifically ideated for non-profit youth organizations that work in the field of Peace building and that what to analyze their routines and working methods in order to carry out actions and programs that are sustainable throughout time and have a bigger social and educational impact.
The online tool offers various resources with the aim of strengthening the evaluation, monitoring and learning capabilities of the organizations. It specifically focuses on the analysis of the systems and practices of internal organization and the ways in which the organizations work. It examines the relevant aspects for any youth organization without exception, such as the external relations, the management of the human resources, the organizational culture, the decision-making systems or the internal knowledge management.
The tool enables the organizations to analyze all these elements from a triple perspective: at individual level, at activity or project level and at organizational level. It also offers guides, advice and resources in order to improve the team’s competences.
The guide is the result of the strategic cooperation project “Youth Impact – Strengthening the capacities of youth organizations to build peace in Europe“, carried out by an international team of researchers and youth workers, and that received the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. The project was coordinated by the international network United Network of Young Peacebuilders – UNOY and carried out in association with 5 more organizations members of UNOY in Europe: PATRIR (Romania), SCI Internacional (Belgium), EIF e.V (German), CEIPES (Italy) and Fundació Catalunya Voluntària.
For more information on how to use the tool or for any further information, you can send an email to: pau@catalunyavoluntaria.cat or call us at 93 412 44 93.
We hope you find it useful!