What do capitalism, revolution, oppression, minorities and non-formal education have in common? That they all had space in the Class Privilege youth exchange, which took place from March 30 to April 7 in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Class Privilege was the third and last exchange of the Privilege Program, coordinated by The Youth Company (Holland), and which has followed the exchanges of Race & Origin Privilege and Gender Privilege.

Privileges structure the society in which we live, and during this week, participants from Ireland, Holland, Romania, and Lithuania have tried to understand how these privileges interact, especially the class one.

Talking about privileges, social classes and the relationship in between is a complicated issue, especially if you have never thought about it before. However, the groups organized activities on terms as complex as capitalism (this one through a game set in Game of Thrones!), intersectionality, minority stress, self-management, and even on whether it is necessary to make a revolution.

At the end of the week, we have obtained answers, but many more questions. We have taken our privilege bracelets to always keep in mind where and how we position ourselves, and we have thought about projects and ideas of how we can do to reduce the gap that separates society. This is a first step towards a deconstruction that will be constant and necessary as we move forward to achieve a more human and solidary society.