From the 11th to 18th of October, in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, there will be a training of trainers as part of the project ‘Understanding and Working with Conflict 2015’.
The course, which is organised by Fundació Catalunya Voluntària (FCV) and UNOY Peacebuilders, will involve the participation of 24 young people, trainers, multipliers and leaders from 14 countries, representatives of non-profit youth organisations.
This is the 4th year of the Understanding and Working with Conflict Training series, with this year’s theme focusing on ‘Designing and Implementing Quality Trainings for Conflict Transformation’.
The main aim of the training is to provide trainers, multipliers and potential trainers with training and facilitation skills, with a specific focus on ensuring the quality of the learning process from educational activities. In the training, we will look at diverse ways of organising a training by examining appropriate methodologies, and when and how to use them best to maximise learning and the creation of high-quality learning processes.
The training will use experimental learning methods to facilitate learning focused on communication, inter and intra-personal skills. Key skills and competences of a facilitator and trainer will be presented and put into practice. The training will include an overview of communication and conflict theories and tools, constructive responses to conflict, principles and practice of non-formal learning methodologies, including training concepts related to comfort zones and conflict sensitivity. During the training, the participants will get hands-on experience in conducting a training session. This practice session will be followed by well-structured self-reflection, debriefing and feedback sessions from the trainers and other participants.
This training of trainers seeks to build competences in the knowledge, skills, attitude of the learners and related to two very specific areas. Namely, the creation of conflict transformation tools and a quality learning process. A co-learning environment will be ensured during the whole process. In doing so, we hope to increase the capabilities of a large number of young people and non-profit organisations that have an interest in taking a decisive role in the transformation of conflicts in their communities and countries.
The participants in the course are from Russia, Germany, Kenya, Italy, Ukraine, Belgium, Georgia, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Catalonia and Cyprus.
The course has been made possible by the funding of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
For more information about this Training of Trainers please feel free to contact the FCV at
More information about the course can be found on:
While information about the previous trainings can be found on: