Hello, I’m Alican, a volunteer filmmaker. After experiencing 9 years in film industry field I decided to become a volunteer and apply for volunteering project about video and, luckily, I got selected by the Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria in Barcelona. The name of the project is “Participatory Video as a Tool for Young Volunteers”, which was in July, 5 months ago…
Now, only 1 month left of my Barcelona adventure before going back to Turkey in January, time has come to look back and see what I have succeed: I shot and edited 4 videos about my EVS and the main FCV events so far, which are the on-arrival training seminar (in Algeciras, in July), the Mercè local festival (in Barcelona, in September), the international Seminar ‘Volunteering for Change’ and the 10th years anniversary party (both in Vilanova I la Geltrú, in November). Hope you like them.
But the main film I have been working on is a brief documentary about my EVS journey with FCV, which will be finished in first week of December.For this documentary, I have been shooting my experiences and what I have been doing during my volunteering; also I met some ex-volunteers to make some interviews and learn what they achieved during their volunteering and what they feel after their journey.
Briefly what I’ve achieved so far is to met new local and international friends, learn Catalan culture, the satisfaction and happiness for helping others, got to know myself better, challenged myself to live abroad in a new country and learned countless new things which will help me to improve myself in the future.
Being a volunteer is an opportunity to discover yourself and help others, especially if you are doing your profession meanwhile. I feel thankful for this opportunity to the Erasmus + program of the European Commission, the Turkish National Agency, my sending organization in Turkey: System & Generation and the FCV.
Alican Abaci