On May 2, the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària-FCV hosted a presentation of volunteer opportunities in the Arab countries at Casa del Mar, in Barcelona. It was an great opportunity to get to know first hand some of the volunteer activities in which young people are already able to participate.

The event Volunteering in the Arab World, held within the framework of the I International Forum Volunteering in the Arab World-Challenges and Opportunities was divided into two blocks: a sample of videos about each project and their entities, and an informal meeting between the young people attending the event and the participants in the forum.

Specifically, Mr. Samir Romdhane, President of the Association Festival Al Ain for the Development and Culture of Métouia, from Tunisia, gave details about the festival of traditional culture that takes place from August 14 to 21 in this city and on of the various tasks in which volunteers can help; Mr. Hamdi Ghouzani, volunteer in the entity Un Sourire pour Tous, also from Tunisia, informed of his willingness to welcome young people who want to volunteer throughout the year, accompanying people in vulnerable situations; Mr. Riad Issa, president of the association Volunteering without Borders, informed about the possibility of collaborating in different social and organizational activities in an international forum dedicated to volunteering and new technologies, which will take place from August 31 to September 1 in Beirut, Lebanon. Finally, Mr. Fnyees SMDA Alajmi, responsible for the entity Green Vision, explained to the audience the opportunity to volunteer in two environmental projects, for the promotion of solar energy and for the prevention of the extinction of wildlife and indigenous flora of the country, in the State of Kuwait.

After the break, Mr. Amr Abd Elgayed, from the Valencian entity Jovesólides, presented his personal experience as a participant in the European Voluntary Service program and the social entrepreneurship initiatives he has carried out thanks to it. The last 30 minutes were used by the young people participating at the event to learn more information about the volunteering projects they were more interested in.

Other participants at the event were Mr. Mohamed El Ousfour and Mr. Souhaila Chaqchaq, president and vice-president of the Moroccan Center for Volunteering and Citizenship, Mr. Mohamed Atia, vice-president of the Egyptian organization Ahl Masr, technicians of youth information points of Barcelona and young people of different nationalities.

To obtain more information about the volunteering activities that can be carried out in the Arab countries, you can send an email to projectes@catalunyavoluntaria.cat.

With the support of Diputación de Barcelona.