Lluc Martí, the coordinator of the program “Active Volunteers” will participate in the XXIV IAVE’s World Volunteer Conference which will take place in Mexico City from the 7th to the 11th of November, hosted by the “Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía – CEMEFI” and organized by the International Association for Volunteer Effort – IAVE.
FCV’s dissertation was chosen to be presented in one of the undoubtedly most prestigious conferences dedicated to volunteering. The conference takes place on a global scale, is celebrated every two years since 1970 and in this occasion is specifically dedicated to “Volunteering for social change”.
With the title “Volunteering–Youth and inclusion–Generation Change”, Lluc will take part, with Pily Quintero, volunteering coordinator of the “Universidad Católica Andrés Bello” (Venezuela), with Belén Urbaneja, regional director of Corporate Citizenship at The Walt Disney Company in Latin America (Argentina), with Rodríguez, program coordinator of “Youth Venture”, Ashoka (Mexico), in a debate moderated by Monica Beatriz Galiano, IAVE corporate volunteering consultant for Latin America.
Lluc will present FCV vision regarding the concept of Active Volunteering in a debate which will analyse how to adapt volunteering activities and programs to the difficult situation that affects many young people, who neither participate in volunteering programs nor become agents for such a needed change. The speakers will exchange their propositions and experiences regarding what universities, companies and and non-profit organization can do to make this possible.
In the conference will participate around 500 delegates representing organizations from all over the world. Among them, renowned speakers such as Kumi Naidoo (director of African Civil Society Centre), Salin Shetty (director of Amnesty Internationa) and Teresa Perales (Paralympics’ champion) and a long list of prominent directors of volunteering organizations around the world.
In the conference there will be debates, plenary sessions, forums, workshops and cultural activities in the most singular places, such as the Arts Palace in the National Museum of Architecture.
Here you can check the program and find more information about the conference.