Lluc Marti, on behalf of the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, has been chosen to form part of the European group of experts that make up the international jury of the ‘We Are Together’ award, linked to the international forum on civil participation that, with the same title, will be held in Russia from December 2 to 5.
It is a global initiative that recognizes, celebrates and supports volunteer initiatives that have place around the world and that is dedicated, in its first edition, to the actions carried out to fight against the pandemic, carried out by individuals and by civil society entities responding to the various humanitarian crises created or aggravated by the pandemic, focusing on those that have most strengthened international cooperation and solved humanitarian problems.
On the last months, an information and application submission process has taken place with the participation of more than 400 entities from a total of 59 countries, and now the proposal evaluation procedure begins.
The FCV is one of the European entities selected to be part of the international jury of the award and to make the selection of the best proposals based on the criteria established in the call, with the responsibility to choose those initiatives that stand out for their impact, results and transformative capacity from our own region.
This jury must evaluate all the applications received to choose the most relevant initiatives based on the 5 modalities of the award: Health, Education and Technology, Initiative of a person, Business and Person of the year. The awarded entities in each of the regions and thematic areas will receive the amount of 25 thousand dollars. The total amount of the prizes is 500 thousand dollars.
The forum will be the occasion to learn more details of the winning proposals and to meet personally the leaders of non-profit and non-governmental entities. It will also be the opportunity to create a dialogue and exchange that allows us to learn from each other about the challenges, trends and opportunities for collaboration, from a regional and global perspective, that we can carry out to give a boost to the sector of the volunteering, which has suffered especially as a result of the pandemic crisis and has shown, as always, its relevance, value and resilience in responding to the situations of those individuals with the greatest difficulties. Forum foresees to host nearly 10 thousand people, including volunteers, leaders of civil society entities, journalists, representatives of the public authorities and business world.
The ‘We Are Together’ award is the result of the collaboration of some of the main international organizations and multilateral organizations dedicated to the promotion and recognition of volunteering, such as the International Association for Volunteer Effort – IAVE, the United Nations Volunteering program – UNV, Red Cross, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum – ICYF.
The ‘We Are Together’ award exists thanks to the support of the 2 main volunteer platforms in Russia: Rosmolodezh and the Association of Volunteer Centers.
For more information about the award, we recommend consulting its website: www.wearetogetherprize.com