With project “Sustainable Podcast” we wanted to get closer to sustainable initiatives developed in the city, and provide practical information, helping to define and clarify key concepts such as: sustainability, sustainable development, circular economy, responsible consumption, zero waste, sustainable entrepreneurship, green jobs, etc.

We have interviewed 8 entities that work in the city of Barcelona in different types of projects and actions, and they have explained to us what they do and why they do it, how they created or got involved in the project, why they decided to take measures and what impact they have .

The entities that have participated have been:

  • Cuidem Montjuic
  • Xarxa per a la Conservació de la Natura
  • Greenevents
  • Project Rescue Ocean
  • Porta’m a l’hort
  • Xarxa trocasec i Les espigadores
  • Cómo te hace sentir la crisis climática
  • Plàstic Preciòs

You can find the different interviews and more information about the entities and contact channels on our YouTube channel, on Spotify and on iVoox.

We are looking forward to doing the second edition in 2022!

The project has the support of the Barcelona City Council and the European Solidarity Corps program.