The concept of gamification has become and its use outside work environment has become more popular in the last years. But what is gamification and what does it consist of?

Gamification is the incorporation of elements related to the game in daily tasks, thus allowing to develop motivation, creativity, versatility, and other skills when performing them. However, the idea of ​​including fun, goals, and playful characteristics in learning has been around for much longer in the learning sector, especially in non-formal education.

So what is the innovative factor of gamification? This new methodology is linked, although not always or necessarily, to video games, online games, and all kinds of virtual games. In this way, it is linked to the technological development of recent years, adding the factor of the internet, applications and other elements to the concept.

Spread the Game is a KA2 long-term project, that has received the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, led by the Italian organization Human Rights Youth Organization – HRYO, with the participation of AddArt (Greece), Celksi Mladinski Center (Slovenia) and Fundació Catalunya Voluntària-FCV at the local level.

The general objective is the analysis and observation of gamification as a tool for the inclusion of different groups at risk of exclusion. During the next two years, the four entities will work with young people and the use of different free applications and games, exchanging good practices, and with the intention of better understanding the impact that these tools can have.

The project started during the month of December, and if Covid allows it, it will include three international formations, in addition to national meetings to work on gamification.

You can read the updates on our website, as well as on HRYO’s social networks.