Since we saw the title of this article written as a topic of a Formation in the Forest of Dean, in England, Raquel and Gisela knew from that moment that this was our formation, a call to our souls to undertake a transformative journey!
We went through some impediments and obstacles prior to our arrival at the ASHA Training Center, but we fully trusted and on October 5, 2021 we began the Path of the Heroines among rose gardens, enchanted forests, druidic labyrinths, frozen water streams where to get the elixir, hot chocolate, liberation, love, celebration and reflection.
The nine days that the training lasted were intense, vivid, loving, and most of all, magical! ASHA Center and its surroundings nurtured us while we lived so many experiences, while an unusual October sun shone almost daily on us, giving us the warmth that we also felt inside. The connection with the place, the moment, the companions, the volunteers and the trainers was instantaneous and powerful, as if all the people who had met there had joined in a synchronous and necessary way, both for our personal evolution and for what then we would contribute to our communities once we returned home.
The Rites of Passage training focused on rituals as a tool to accompany personal and community transitions, understanding as ritual a ceremony created from the essence of the group that celebrates it, leaving aside rigid structures and procedures that do not resonate with us. Around this theme and always seeking individual connection with the rest of the group to form a community, we had the privilege of learning various tools of group cohesion, singing in community from the connection with the elements, creating altars with sacred objects for us. , connection with people in order to recognize from the heart or understanding the relationships between the cycles of nature and our personal cycles. All this always through experience, so in addition to learning we lived it in the first person, and that is why each workshop was intense and transformative.
Dear reading soul, that is why we wish that while reading our words you have been able to feel inspired and with the desire and desire to experience, in your own skin, a moment of internal revolution. A transformative event in your life that makes you question, understand and above all connect. We invite you to ritualize daily events to enjoy a more harmonious, more spiritual and more aligned sense with your Being and that you deeply celebrate Life.
Cheers and Revolution
Gisela Mansió i Raquel Texidó