HOSTING ORGANISATION: WIKI – Stadtteilarbeit Eggenlend
PERIOD: 12 months, June 2024 – May 2025
WHERE: Graz, Austria
Community Centres EggenLend and St. Peter offer the residents of the districts in Graz a space for information, participation, and networking. These centers are operated by the organization WIKI – Verein WIKI – Wir Kinder, Bildung und Betreuung. Everyone is welcome at our centers. Our diverse range of activities is aimed at enhancing the quality of life, developing social networks in the community, and fostering civic engagement. Community centers provide district inhabitants with information about various services and serve as meeting places. Events and meetings, such as cooking sessions or game nights, are organized. The focus is on sustainability: there is a free-of-charge model run by volunteers; food sharing and zero waste initiatives are promoted. Activities promoting an active lifestyle, such as cycling, are also offered. The volunteer is an integral part of a team and can assist in organizing community events in both centers. They will have the opportunity to connect with people from different backgrounds and generations, and participate in sustainability projects, such as the Free-of-Charge Shop, open bookshelves, and others. We expect them to be open-minded, sensitive to different cultures, communicative, and organized.
- Supporting the team with the current offerings of the community centers (events, media).
- Promoting different activities through designing and distributing flyers, and sharing relevant events and news on social media.
- Taking many pictures! Of course, ask everyone involved beforehand.
- Engaging with different client groups (adults, parents and children, older people, migrants, marginalized groups, etc.), making visitors feel at ease, and informing them of relevant activities. Offering coffee and tea, and assisting them with simple tasks.
- Ensuring that the rooms are welcoming for people to participate in the usual center activities. Preparing indoor and outdoor areas for visitors.
- Assisting with free-of-charge shop work: sorting goods, preparing for opening hours, and explaining rules to visitors.
- Participating in the food-sharing network and helping save food.
- Participating in weekly team meetings and offering help where needed or appreciated.
- Planning and implementing your own project which aligns with the goals and values of the centers
A person between 18 and 30 y.o., who has not participated in a CES before, is interested in the project’s topic, and willing to embark on the great adventure of being a European volunteer.
We are seeking a responsible and motivated young person who enjoys working with diverse groups of people. We appreciate assistance in photography, social media management, and event management. We’re looking for an open-minded, active, initiative-taking individual with a specific interest in sustainability, community building, and promoting an active lifestyle. EggenLend will provide the volunteer with a room at a student dormitory. The Volunteers have the option to use a provided bicycle or public transportation (with tickets provided) to reach the organization. The locations are accessible by bus or tram. Food allowance and pocket money are provided according to program guidelines.
A person between 18 and 30 y.o., who has not participated in a CES before, is interested in the project’s topic, and willing to embark on the great adventure of being a European volunteer.
- Send your CV and a letter of motivation.
- Send both documents to: specifying the title of the project in which you would like to participate.
The FCV will send all applications to the host organization, which will make the final selection of the volunteer(s).
For more information about the project you can send an email to: