We are pleased to announce that we are launching the project ‘Podcast sostenible’. Aim of the project is extending the topic of sustainability among the public and providing practical information, helping to define and clarify key concepts such as: sustainability, sustainable development, circular economy, responsible consumption, zero waste, sustainable entrepreneurship, green jobs, etc.

In the frame of the project we intent to record and publish interviews with 8 activists (can be individual or representatives of the organisations), that are engaged in the topic of sustainability in Barcelona city.

Podcasts guests will explain what they do and why they do it, how they created or got involved in the project, why they decided to take action and what impact do they have.

Each interview will last from 30-45 minutes and will be published on YouTube account of Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, different websites hosting podcasts and social media.

If you or the representative of your organisation are interested in the participation in the podcast, please fill in the registration form.

We are waiting for you!

#BcnSostenible #PodcastSostenible

The project has the support of the Barcelona City Council and the European Solidarity Corps program.