Fundació Catalunya Voluntària has been the entity chosen by the National Institute of the United Nations Model to make a presentation in the framework of its annual conference, dedicated to the political crisis between Catalonia and Spain.
Lluc Martí, on behalf of the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, on two occasions (March 19th and 25th), explained objectively, and in front of hundreds of young people from all over the world, the process that led to the decision of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya to move towards the recognition of its own Catalan sovereignty which reached its culmination, the solemn and unilateral declaration of independence and the difficulties in which it found itself and is finding itself to make it effective.
We hope that the conference has helped to understand a little better this recent part of Catalan history and that it is generating enough interest everywhere.
At the same time as a challenge, it has been a great satisfaction for the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària that the National Model Institute of the United Nations has chosen us to try to explain this situation to young people from all over the world.