The Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria is carrying out the project ‘Mainstreaming Media Literacy and Thinking Competences’ in association with 4 other youth and non-governmental organizations, from Greece, Portugal, Italy and Hungary.

The initiative aims to collect and create new educational tools and activities that help the non-profit youth sector and the educational sector, formal, non-formal and informal, to organize new activities focused on the improvement and development of both capacities that give title to the project and on which all their activities revolve.

The initiative, carried out with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Commission, includes different meetings and activities that take place in the 5 participating cities: Palermo, Budapest, Thessaloniki, Barcelona and Amarante, as well as internationally, the next one from the 16th to February 21 in Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona).

The training course ‘How Mainstreaming Media Literacy and Thinking Competences in Youth Work?’, facilitated by the same international team that manages the project, will bring together 21 youth workers and young people.

Its main objective is to create the team responsible for organizing two activities in the spring of 2022 in each of the 5 participating countries. The course will serve to learn the non-formal and intercultural techniques and methodologies that will help us to carry out the project activities, assess and collect the results, in order to collaboratively develop a manual or toolbox. This manual, which we hope to present in September 2022, will collect some of the theories, activities and methodologies learned and put into practice by the participating youth NGOs and will be the result of the work of 3 international teams: the management team, the team of experts and the team of youth workers, composed by between 15 and 20 people in total.

If you are part of a youth organization that wants to participate in the initiative and you want to be part of this team; if you want to participate in the main training activity that we are preparing, we encourage you to read the info kit of the course at this link.

The reason for the initiative is to help reinforce certain capacities (knowledge, attitudes, skills and interests) that we consider essential to be able to manage all the information we receive every day, to distinguish information and opinion, to know how to read between the lines and detect the false news and hate and fear speeches, and, ultimately, to develop a more critical, civic and responsible thinking, in other words: to be less easily manipulated and, therefore, a little more free.

For the 5 promoter organizations, in coherence with the practice and defense of the non-formal methodology that, as many of you know, is based on reflection and action, we understand that creating new activities that help develop the capacities related with thinking, as well as its close relationship with other competences, strengthens the whole of a society, which is practically defenseless against the powers that use manipulation in a normal, daily and subtle way.

If you want more information about the initiative or about the course, we encourage you either to send us an email to