From 23 to 29 April 2023, the Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria will host its seventh mobility for learning purposes for teachers of vocational training activities from Bulgaria. 

After collaborating with various schools based in the rural area of the Plovdiv region this time we will receive the visit of a team of teachers from a school based in the capital: the ‘Sofia Secondary School of bread making and confectionery’ trusts the FCV to organize a practical training experience, whose main objective is to learn the methods, practices and experiences of non-profit organizations, secondary schools and vocational training centers that offer education to students from 13 to 18 years old with special needs.

The school hopes that the visit will serve to learn new pedagogical perspectives, teaching materials and personal and professional development strategies; thus improving its offer of professional training in the bakery and pastry sector, opening it up to the participation of young people with special needs and disabilities.

The visit, entitled ‘European Partnership for Better Vocational Training’, it will publicize the good work for the social and labor inclusion of young people carried out by not-for profit organizations. Teachers will meet with experts from the bakery and pastry shop, learn new recipes, and will use non-formal learning techniques, such as workshops and reflection sessions, with the aim that they can include them in their pedagogical repertoire..

The activity is supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and the Bulgarian national agency.

For more information about the activity, you can send an email to