International Trainings

International Trainings

A unique framework for your training

The training courses are part of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program. They are intended for youngsters and adults, youth, social or cultural workers and people in charge of voluntary services (18 years old or more) who want to learn, in a non-formal way, how to apply new methodologies in their day-to-day work with young people. These training courses last about 5 days and are aimed at sharing the good working practices of the participants, both on a personal and on a professional level. They are divided into Training Courses, Seminars, Study Visits and Partnership Building Activities.
There are many countries that organize youth training courses regarding different subjects.

Profile of the participant:

  • Be between 18 and 35 years old (but there are courses that don’t have a limit age)
  • Legally reside in EU country
  • Be or have been an active member of non-profit organizations of the third sector, as a volunteer or as an employee
  • Be interested and motivated towards the subject of the course
  • Be able to put into practice what will be learned during the course


The European Commission finances the expenses for the travel, the accommodation, the provision, the local transport and the materials throughout the whole length of the project. The participants must take care of health insurance. The participants can rely on the support of both the sending and the receiving institution before, during and after the project.