From May 20 to 28, the Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria participates in an international mobility activity in Egypt to create new collaborations with civil society and youth organizations from this Mediterranean country.

The activity carried out with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue (the only institution of the European Commission located outside Europe, in Alexandria, Egypt), is the result of the partnership between the FCV and the Mediterranean Youth Foundation, member of the Economic and Social Committee of the United Nations, with
a permanent membership in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, that stands out for fostering intercultural exchange and dialogue among youth, organizing campaigns and providing training, among other activities.

The program includes working in the MYF offices, meeting with other members of the ALF Egyptian network, and, among others, participating in an extraordinary event: the Mediterranean Day, which takes place in Alexandria (300 KM from Cairo), in a place as symbolic as its library, on May 21, an activity in which the FCV plans to share its experience in promoting initiatives with the support of  European Commission programs fostering the mobility of young people, as well as opportunities to participate in volunteering activities in Catalonia (and throughout Europe). The event will feature the participation of artists,
authorities and non-profit organizations from all over the country. It will also be an occasion to enjoy the views of the Mediterranean Sea from a new perspective.

We hope to take advantage of the opportunity to meet representatives of various NGOs to make possible future educational, artistic, and cultural events for young people residing in Catalonia (and elsewhere) focused on intercultural learning, which might serve to both create and strengthen collaboration between civil society organizations from both countries (and regions), a bond that at the FCV we see as a priority from a Mediterranean perspective.

With MYF we plan to jointly carry out training actions in Egypt and Catalonia, as well as collaborate within the framework of the European Solidarity Corps program.

The history of the FCV in the Euro-Mediterranean space and collaboration with youth NGOs located on the Southern and Eastern shores includes having organized youth exchanges, training for leaders, international volunteering projects, welcoming young people of Egyptian nationality in the FCV and collaborating in long-term projects, such as ‘Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth’, which resulted in the training manual with the same name, also thanks to the support of the FAL, and which you can download in the following link: 

As it could not be otherwise, we hope to take advantage of the opportunity to visit the pyramids of Giza and see the authentic wonders exhibited in the National Museum of Antiquitie and the Khan al-Khalili market.

We will keep you informed of opportunities that arise.