With the results of the final evaluation sheets in hand, we can say that the last international course hosted by the Fundació Catalunya Voluntaria has been a complete success.
The evaluation was carried out by the group of educators, leaders, activists, young people, and adults who participated in the ‘ECOrasmus’ training course, in Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona) from March 8 to 15, coming from the 5 European partner countries of the initiative: the Netherlands, France, Germany, Hungary, and Spain.
Divided the activity program into 13 blocks, the entire group evaluated it anonymously, completing an online registration form, to score between 0 and 10.
The lowest mark of all has been higher than 8 (8.05-block dedicated to the common definition of ‘sustainable youth work’) and the highest has been close to 10. Two activities were valued with a note of 9.74 (a block dedicated to getting to know the city, visiting an urban garden and making a calçotada, and a block devoted to planting in Ortoll).
The other 6 blocks, also rated excellent (above 9), was the visit to Can Masdeu and Barcelona (9.68), the session dedicated to the social theater (9.26), the ‘open free space’, (9.26), the case study and project design session (9.1), the evaluation (9.1) and the tool fair (9), from which we can draw a first conclusion and that is that the activities carried out outdoors, in a natural environment and in collaboration with other entities have been the best valued of the course.
The group also rated the course in general, answering the question of whether, in general, the program had dealt with the most relevant issues for their learning, with an average rating of 8.89 out of 10.
We take advantage of this news of the outstanding results to once again thank the entities that have collaborated in the success of the initiative: the other 4 partner organizations: European Intercultural Forum e.V (coordinator of the initiative), The Tree Party, Graphistes de l’Ombre and Me Out Group, as well as the groups with which we have collaborated: Can Masdeu, the Salvem l’Ortoll Platform, Garraf Coopera, Hort de l’Avi Ferret, the Iaia Damasquina Cultural Association and, in a very special way, the Hotel Cesar-Restaurant La Fitorra, where the activities have taken place and the group has stayed.
We take the opportunity to present you the new ECOrasmus section at the FCV Instagram page, where you can see short-videos of the initiative; in this link.
For more information about the initiative, do not hesitate to send an email to projectes@catalunyavoluntaria.cat