On May 19, the FCV organizes a 90-minute online training dedicated to teachers, psychologists and tutors of students from the ‘Joan Coromines’ secondary school institute, located in the neighborhood of Hostafrancs (Barcelona), where the FCV and Artixoc are carrying out workshops and activities using theater and non-formal activities as the tool to develop communication skills, and work attitudes and skills that mark the difference, such as respect, responsibility, active listening and teamwork, that we have worked in a playful and participatory way and, in the courtyard, in the classrooms and the gym of the Institute.
The activity has been carried out by Santiago Rusinyol, from the Artixoc Association and by Lluc Martí, from the FCV, with the participation of 20 4th year ESO students (16/17 years old) throughout the 2nd trimester of the course.
In this online training Lluc will briefly and schematically share the objectives, the methodology and the results of the different workshop sessions, and will present the pedagogical tools that he has used.
The FCV has proposed a series of games, challenges and activities to help the group to notice some of the skills, attitudes and interests that are useful to turn their backs on violence (this is the title of the 24-hour workshops in total), as well as to introduce new ways of doing and learning that help to communicate assertively and with respect, and to value one’s own abilities and interests.
The workshops are part of the ‘Educate with Diversity’ project, coordinated by the Artixoc Association in partnership with the FCV and with the support of the European Institute of the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue.