From March 8 to 15, the Fundacio Catalunya Voluntaria hosts the international training course ‘ECOrasmus’ in Vilanova I la Geltrú (Barcelona), a residential learning activity that takes place within the framework of the project for the exchange of good practices and innovation in the field of youth titled ‘ECorasmus-Sustainable and Eco-friendly practices in educational youth work’, which, as its name suggests, has as the main objective to create a guide to organize  educational activities that are eco-friendly and responsible with the natural environment, with an online preparation phase starting the 6th of February.  

The course will bring 31 young people together, activists, youth workers, educators, and managers from the 5 participating countries: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Hungary. 

Over the course of a week, they will be introduced to a guide that analyzes the aspects to take into account to avoid an educational activity that has a negative impact on the environment, from the choice of venue to the waste management, from the selection of providers to the format of the activity, among others.

This is an exceptional activity where there will be spaces to share good practices and learn based on the exchange of experiences between participants and from the inputs of trainers, where the logistics, the hotel itself, and its surroundings will also be protagonists. The group will be staying at the Hotel Cèsar, where the activities will take place, together with various open-air spaces, in a rich and intense program full of surprises.

We will carry out participatory group dynamics to promote intercultural learning, teamwork, and creativity, as well as to take advantage of the accumulated experience of the entire group, starting with the 5 promoter organizations: The Tree Party (Netherlands), Graphistes de l’Ombre (France), Me Out Group (Hungary), Fundacio Catalunya Voluntaria (Spain), and European Intercultural Forum e.V (Germany). The Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and the German National Agency supports the course.

To participate in the course, the only requirements are being over 18 years, having a good knowledge of English, and genuine interest in participating in the set of program activities.

It is designed for individuals that are involved in the organization of residential educational youth activities, who are aware of the challenges for sustainable and eco-friendly practices and motivated to integrate eco-friendly practices on the next educational activities.

The selection period ends on 5th of January, but we reserve the right to close the group before this date, so we encourage you to complete the application form as soon as possible at this link. 

At the beginning of January, we will communicate with all the people who have completed the form. The selected participants will be recipients of the community grant and will not have to assume any cost related to the activity (accommodation, meals, materials, etc.).

For more information about the TC we suggest you consult the Call for Applicants, with the provisional program:

ECOrasmus Call for Participants


For any further question or request, you can send us an email at