From March 8 to 15, the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària hosts the ECOrasmus international training course in Vilanova I la Geltrú (Barcelona).

27 people, coming from the 5 countries that are part of the initiative: the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, France, and Spain, took part in a very special training course, entitled ECOrasmus, dedicated to learning through action and reflection, of friendly and respectful practices with nature.

Educators, activists, managers, entrepreneurs, young people, and adults, who are part of the teams of the 5 partner organizations have analyzed the aspects to take into account in the organization of presential educational activities, from transport and materials to the type of and activity format, going through the venue, at the same time that they have enjoyed an intense learning experience based on the exchange of experiences, knowledge, ideas and good practices, in which the content of the sessions was as important as ensuring that they were sustainable.

The group has learned new practices, methods, and activities, and commented on the contents of the manual/practice guide, which we are going to publish (and translate) this year.
The guide collecting eco-friendly practices will be the main result of the initiative, so that, regardless of the issues each educational activity deals with, or who organizes it, presential educational activities are environmentally responsible, and not responsible for the climate catastrophe that is approaching.

The program provided first-hand knowledge of private and community initiatives in Vilanova I la Geltrú and Barcelona. Some of the most outstanding activities were the visit to and plantation in Can Masdeu, and the planting of trees at Ortoll, together with volunteers from the ‘Save Ortoll Platform’ and Garraf Coopera, that ended in the most original way: with a fashion show in the middle of the forest, customizing the species of trees planted.

The course program included presentations, workshops, group activities, and visits, led by the international team of trainers and, in some cases, by the participants themselves, who were able to enjoy the neighborhood, the beach, and (despite being winter) of spring weather.

The activity took place at the Hotel César, a facility that has its Biosphere certificate, where the group stayed, as well as in various outdoor spaces around the district.
The course is part of the project for innovation and the exchange of good practices in youth matters entitled ECOrasmus-Sustainable and eco-friendly practices in educational youth
work, carried out with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Commission and the German National Agency, coordinated by the entity European Intercultural Forum-EIF.

For more information about the initiative and how to participate or collaborate in it, you can send an email to