Do you want to help us create the conditions so that young people have easier access to a job?

What needs to be changed to favor the incorporation of young people into the world of work?

Do you think that efforts should be made to demand an improvement in a situation marked by precariousness, low salaries, difficulties faced by many people residing in our country and of non-EU nationality to be able to work?

What can we do to get out of the tail of the whole Europe when it comes to youth employment?

4 youth organizations from the 4 European countries with the highest rates of youth unemployment: Greece, Spain, Italy and North Macedonia, where almost half (!) of young people are unemployed, we have designed an activity with the objective of analyze why we are in such a dramatic situation of youth unemployment, as well as to create the conditions for a change, through training and advocacy actions led by unemployed young people themselves and in collaboration with other organizations, like youth councils and platforms, trade unions, who have a lot to contribute and who, in fact, know better than we what are the things that we must change.

Over the course of a year we will analyze what are the practical obstacles, contradictions and errors of the system itself, also to understand a little better what are the underlying reasons that explain a completely dramatic situation for hundreds of thousands of young people who are unemployed today, who neither study nor work in Catalonia, a situation that also negatively affects society as a whole. 

The project is divided into a first phase of collecting information and analyzing the reality of the context of each of the countries, in a second phase of building the national teams, which will receive training aimed at carrying out campaigns, online and offline, and in a third phase of collaborative development of advocacy actions in a format that gives us certain guarantees that the positioning and claims (calls to action, complaints, proposals) go as far as they should go: be it the executive or legislative branches, to changes occur, whether at a district, city, national, state, or community level.

Throughout the entire year 2022, at least 5 training actions will take place, online and in person, as well as an international training course in Athens (mid-June 2022), with the participation of the 4 national teams selected for carry out the campaigns.

We will also hold online meetings and create a platform to disseminate information, calls, demands and positions.

The project, entitled ‘Advocacy for Youth Employment’, is carried out with the support of the Erasmus + program of the European Commission and the Greek national agency. It is coordinated by the NGO Inter Alia, based in Athens, in association with the Fundació Catalunya Voluntària , Europiamo (Rome) and Sfera International (Bitola).

In addition to the campaigns, we plan to create a guide of good advocacy practices to help all non-profit and non-governmental youth organizations to carry out actions with institutional and social impact.

To have more information about the activity or if you are interested in being part of it, do not hesitate to send an email to

We would greatly appreciate receiving your help to create the conditions so that young people have it a little easier to access a job, to create their own work or to improve working conditions, a previous step to emancipate themselves and, ultimately, to be freer and autonomous.