From 16th to 24th June of 2017, the FCV hosted a study visit in Barcelona to learn about good practices in the fields of intercultural learning and diversity management.

FCV, together with other 2 Catalan promoter organizations based in Barcelona: the private Foundation FICAT, and the Catalan Colleage of Social Educators of Catalonia- CEESC , hosted representatives of other 7 partner organizations, from Portugal, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands, including the Municipality of Rome, Arcigay Palermo and the University of Aveiro, for example.

During the week, the group visited 13 Catalan organizations that work with teenagers and young adults who face situations of social exclusion. Among them were shelters and assistance centers for non-accompanied migrant minors and young migrants (Fundació Putxet  and Fundació Mercè Fontanillas); intercultural non-formal education centres for social workers and youth workers dealing with marginalized groups (Centre Cruïlla and Ateneu Popular 9 Barris); projects of local and international volunteering involving disadvantaged youth (FCV) and public services and resources (CIAJ and Casa del Mar). The group also met the three Catalan project partner organizations based in Barcelona.

The participants learnt about the organizations’ work, methodological approaches, challenges and achievements. They talked, discussed and interviewed employees, social educators, activists, volunteers and beneficiaries of those organizations, who were keen and interested to share their experience and know-how.

The aim of the visit was to collect information to elaborate the contents of a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Intercultural Learning. The MOOC will provide professionals working with young people (educators, teachers, trainers, etc.) with intercultural learning competences and offer them new theoretical and practical tools to manage and value cultural diversity.

Apart from Barcelona, 6 other European cities were visited throughout this 2-years project.

The European project “Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis-MOOC”, coordinated by the Italian association InformaGiovanni, is promoted by 15 organizations from 7 European Union countries, thanks to the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission and the Italian National Agency.