Alexandra have done her EVS in Rezekne, Latvia 2017-2018. The aim of this project was to promote intergenerational understanding of cultural diversity and to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among people, as well as to develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between foreign young people and inhabitants of Rezekne. In this way we wanted to improve understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them in European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate with and get on with other European cultures.
Nowadays there is a weak communication and collaboration between the generations, which increase social exclusion and affect the quality of life for all generations. Generations should cooperate among themselves and respect each another. Volunteers from Spain, France and Armenia implemented activities in Rezekne pensioners’ social service center with old people and young people with special needs.
Their main tasks were helping the staff to take care of old people and youth who need help, organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people and young people with special needs. They made the Center’s life more colourful, active and international.
All project activities were based on non-formal education methods, thus allowing young people to acquire new knowledge, skills, competences, to learn new things, develop themselves both professionally and personally.