BYWT2 (4)On the 25th, 26th and 27th of November, FCV took part in the meeting Be Youth Worker Today –BYWT organized by the Catalan Association of Professionals of Youth Policies.

During these days, more than 150 professionals in local, national or in ternational youth work gathered to debate and work on the need of creating a Catalan and European network. A network that would gather all the professionals in the youth sector. It can be used as a tool to share useful resources, opportunities, good practice, ideas, etc. with other youth BYWT (1)workers and to give recognition to the professionals, unknown to many.

This encounter was used also to share different techniques and methodologies and debate about which should be the minimum competences and abilities youth workers should have.

Also, the event was an opportunity to share the work done in FCV and to meet other professionals, organizations and networks that work in the personal and professional development of youngsters.

We encourage you to check the results of the meeting on the website of the project.